Sunday, January 29, 2017

Posts in Application Architecture

Post No.1- Design Requirements in Application Architectures

Gartner defines the discipline of application architecture as follows “Application architecture combines a core set of solution architecture design artifacts with architecture and design best practices to effectively guide application construction, deployment, ongoing performance and continued evolution of the application portfolio. A disciplined approach to application architecture enables real business value, enhances the organization's leverage, facilitates user adoption, drives down the total cost of application ownership and minimizes the risk of failure”

This definition means that the application architect’s job is not limited to mapping the business functions to application components but it extends to cover other non-functional requirements such as interoperability, performance, scalability and security.

Interoperability is the ability of an application component to work with other components without special effort. The application architect should design the components in such a way that they can seamlessly communicate, exchange data, and use the information that has been exchanged as needed. The application architect should study and identify the required degree of interoperability and incorporate it in his architecture.

To design an application architecture that has a high performance and scalability, the application architect need to consider the following these design principles: Ensure that services components are defined at the appropriate level of detail to increase your ability to encapsulate change, Put the processing closer to the resources it needs (processes that require heavy data interactions should be kept at the backend), Process independent tasks concurrently, Pool shared resources to improve scalability by sharing a limited number of resources among a much larger number of clients., etc. For more design principles use this link

The application architecture should be carefully reviewed by a security architect to identify and eliminate any security flaws at an early stage. I will be posting a dedicated topic on security architecture on or before March 20th.

These were few of some of the nonfunctional requirements that should be considered in an application architecture, for more in the topic please refer to this Gartner article

Post No.2- Service Oriented Architecture in a glance

You can’t be talking about application architecture without mentioning Service oriented Architecture (SOA). Nowadays, application architects realize the several benefits of adopting SOA principles in their designs; improved maintainability, lower costs and Increased agility and productivity to name a few.

SOA is a way of architecting the application into the form of services. That is a group of discrete software chunks that have simple, well defined interfaces and are able to interact with each other with loose coupling.  A service can play any of these roles; Service provider and service customer.  The whole concept is supposed to help organizations build services libraries that can in turn speed business results.

Nevertheless, it is not an easy task to adopt SOA in your organization. It requires tremendous commitment and support from the CIO and IT leadership. An application architecture governance organization should be in place. This organization should ensure that SOA culture is well received by application and technology architects. This teams would probably require education and coaching on how to design, develop, reuse and deploy these services. The technical team should be ready to modernize their infrastructure to support the team. All of this is easier said than be implemented and it requires a structured approach.

Gartner recommends that organizations considering SOA to follow this roadmap:
  •        Strategize and Plan: Draft a charter to gain agreement on the vision for the initiative, in alignment with business goals
  •     Develop Governance: Establish an optimal process for making decisions and assigning decision rights
  •     Drive Change Management: Set up a system to communicate and socialize ideas via multiple channels. Get buy-in from stakeholders at all levels
  •     Execute: Optimally operate the initiative in accordance with business goals
  •     Measure and Improve: Measure how the initiative has affected business outcomes

Post No.3- The Application Architect vs. The Solution Architect

This is a short post is an attempt that intends to answer this question: We do not have an EA program in our organization, but we do have a solution architect; can we call him an application architect?

I believe that there is no standard answer to this question, it depends on your organization and back ground. What I can say in general that the solution architect usually interact with subject matter experts to ensure that they have an optimized solution that cater for budget, time and business requirements. The application architect has a different perspective, he is usually a role within an enterprise architecture practices. He is more concerned of how the complete application portfolio is architected to maximize reuse, performance along with other functional non-functional requirements.

The Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations (FEAPO) ‘guide in careers in enterprise architecture states that “the Solution Architect tends to focus on a particular, tangible, often tactical, problem. The Solution Architect will often have a single, clear business leader whose metrics are driving the need for change.” The guide also states that the Application architect is a role in the stack of roles that define the enterprise architect; all of which are strategic in nature.

For more information, you may look at:

That’s all about application architecture, see you soon!


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