Sunday, April 2, 2017

Posts on Business Architecture

Post No.1- The business architecture
Business architecture is an integral part of enterprise architecture. An EA without business architecture is no more than IT architecture.

Business architecture plays a great role in translating the corporate vision into actionable objectives.  It is with business architecture that we visualize the end-state of the organization while keeping all the business units aligned and focused on the strategy in such a way that improves decision making and increases operational efficiency to deliver significant business value outcomes.

In a previous blog, I have posted about how Gartner recommends that the chief enterprise architect should work with the business to build a common understanding of the enterprise context. The enterprise context will the perfect basis on which EA principles that can be used as a decision making criteria by business and IT.

Gartner stresses that the business context is not one of the viewpoints of the enterprise architecture, it should never be treated as the business architecture. It rather overlays and informs all of the EA viewpoints to ensure an effective strategic integration and a focused direction of effort.
In fact, Gartner recommends that the entire EA team (business, Information, technology and security architects) should be part of developing the enterprise context to help improving the support for the business strategy avoid creating a "tiered" architecture.

Once the enterprise context is defined, models that describe the future-state EA vision should be developed along with the long-term targets for change and how to move toward these target states successfully. The future architecture should describe all the enterprise dimensions: people, financials, organizations and processes.

A current state model is then developed to be as a baseline from which migration plans can be planned and executed.

Please refer to the following links for more information on the topic:

Post No.2- Business-outcome business architecture
There is no better way to demonstrate the value of Business Architecture, than focusing on the metrics that matter most to the enterprise senior executive team.

Many EA programs had failed because the EA team was very much consumed with enterprise architecture activities and practices and failed to relate to the business and to where it is heading and to show a line of sight between business vision and change that the whole enterprise can use as a guidance.

As a business change discipline, EA‘s the long-term value and impact can only be assessed through the business outcomes that were successfully achieved for the benefit of the enterprise.
Recently, many organizations realized that they need to move from their traditional EA program, to an EA program that is business outcome focused. To ensure their business architecture is mapped to the enterprise business outcomes, the following aspects are considered:      
  • The relative focus on strategic business initiatives
  • The capabilities of EA, given the business strategy, future vision and maturity
  • The business outcome and value statements that reflect the business's direction and strategy
  • Potential metrics (target results) that are derived from business key performance indicators

The figure below from Gartner demonstrates how EA can be aligned to the strategic business initiatives:

Gartner recommends that the EA team should plan their business outcome-focused architecture into iterations. Each iteration should have its set of metrics defined upfront before starting any architectural work, to ensure that EA measurement is built within the architectural process. The quick value realization will boost the support of the EA program and allows the enterprise to better cope with today dynamic business environment.

The following links includes more information on the topic:

Post No.3- BA and Digital Business
We are almost living a digital world, the advancements of the technology and the number of people, businesses and things communicating, transacting through the internet is increasing, which in turn force organizations to adopt digital business strategies.

Digital business is the defined by Garner as “the creation of new business designs by blurring the digital and physical worlds.” It is very obvious that it disrupts existing business models, and the business architecture experts should be prepared to build business architecture references that will help their organizations respond to the opportunities and threats of digital business.

At the beginning the EA team should ensure that their organization has a clearly defined Digital Business Vision and Strategy. This strategy should include: Business long-term goals and policies, analysis of the digital business context and identification of the organization gaps and capabilities of business and technology.

The EA team should ensure that the technology/solutions drives the initiatives. The problem should be set around the business objectives to be achieved, and the BA team along with the rest of the EA team should act as facilitators who helps the business subject matter experts in exploring the wide range of the digital solutions.

Digital business comes with so much integration points. BA and EA team members should ensure that these touch points are safeguarded and well governed. They should also develop roadmaps to achieve higher level maturity of emerging digital business technologies.

In general, the BA team needs to understand and assess the entire digital ecosystem in which their organization may operate and identify which digital business capabilities are relevant to them, and therefore, advice on the appropriate Business models that the organization can adopt to achieve specific business outcomes.

There are information on this interesting topic, which can be found in this link:

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